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HTTP Interface for Agency feature

The Agency is the ArangoDB component which manages the entire ArangoDB cluster. ArangoDB itself mainly uses the Agency as a central place to store the configuration and the cluster nodes health management. It implements the Raft consensus protocol to act as the single-source of truth for the entire cluster. You may know other software providing similar functionality e.g. Apache Zookeeper, etcd or Consul.

To an end-user the Agency is essentially a fault-tolerant Key-Value Store with a simple REST-API. It is possible to use the Agency API for a variety of use-cases, for example:

  • Centralized configuration repository
  • Service discovery registry
  • Distributed synchronization service
  • Distributed Lock-Manager

Note 1: To access the Agency API with authentication enabled, you need to include an authorization header with every request. The authorization header must contain a superuser JWT Token; For more information see the authentication section.

Note 2: The key-prefix /arango contains ArangoDBs internal configuration. You should never change any values below the arango key.

Key-Value store APIs

Generally, all document IO to and from the key-value store consists of JSON arrays. The outer array is an envelope for multiple read or write transactions. The results are arrays are an envelope around the results corresponding to the order of the incoming transactions.

Consider the following write operation into a pristine agency:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/write -d '[[{"a":{"op":"set","new":{"b":{"c":[1,2,3]},"e":12}},"d":{"op":"set","new":false}}]]'

And the subsequent read operation

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/"]]'
    "a": {
      "b": {
        "c": [1,2,3]
      "e": 12
    "d": false

In the first step we committed a single transaction that commits the JSON document inside the inner transaction array to the agency. The result is [1], which is the replicated log index. Repeated invocation will yield growing log numbers 2, 3, 4, etc.

The read access is a complete access to the key-value store indicated by access to its root element and returns the result as an array corresponding to the outermost array in the read transaction.

Let’s dig in some deeper.

Read API

Let’s start with the above initialized key-value store in the following. Let us visit the following read operations:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/a/b"]]'
    "a": {
      "b": {
        "c": [1,2,3]


curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/a/b/c"]]'
    "a": {
      "b": {
        "c": [1,2,3]

Note that the above results are identical, meaning that results obtained from the agency are always return with full path.

The second outer array brackets in read operations correspond to transactions, meaning that the result is guaranteed to have been acquired without a write transaction in between:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/a/e"],["/d","/a/b"]]'
    "a": {
      "e": 12
    "a": {
      "b": {
        "c": [1,2,3
    "d": false

While the first transaction consists of a single read access to the key-value-store thus stretching the meaning of the word transaction, the second bracket actually hold two disjunct read accesses, which have been joined within zero-time, i.e. without a write access in between. That is to say that "/d" cannot have changed before "/a/b" had been acquired.

Let’s try to fetch a value from the key-value-store, which does not exist:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/a/b/d"]]'
    "a": {
      "b": {}

The result returns the cross section of the requested path and the key-value-store contents. "/a/b" exists, but there is no key "/a/b/d". Thus the following transaction will yield:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/a/b/d","/d"]]'
    "a": {
      "b": {}
    "d": false

And this last read operation should return:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/read -d '[["/a/b/c"],["/a/b/d"],["/a/x/y"],["/y"],["/a/b","/a/x" ]]'

Write API

The write API must obviously be more versatile and needs a more detailed appreciation. Write operations are arrays of transactions with preconditions, i.e. [[U,P]], where the system tries to apply all updates in the outer array in turn, rejecting those whose precondition is not fulfilled by the current state. It is guaranteed that the transactions in the write request are sequenced adjacent to each other (with no intervention from other write requests). Only the ones with failed preconditions are left out.

For P, the value of a key is an object with attributes "old", "oldNot", "oldEmpty" or "isArray". With "old" one can specify a JSON value that has to be present for the condition to be fulfilled. With "oldNot" one may check for a value to not be equal to the test. While with "oldEmpty", which can take a boolean value, one can specify that the key value needs to be not set true or set to an arbitrary value false. With "isArray" one can specify that the value must be an array. As a shortcut, "old" values of scalar or array type may be stored directly in the attribute. Examples:

{ "/a/b/c": { "old": [1,2,3] }}

is a precondition specifying that the previous value of the key "/a/b/c" key must be [1,2,3]. If and only if the value of the precondition is not an object we provide a notation, where the keywork old may be omitted. Thus, the above check may be shortcut as

{ "/a/b/c": [1, 2, 3] }

Consider the agency in initialized as above let’s review the responses from the agency as follows:

curl -L http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/write -d '[[{"/a/b/c":{"op":"set","new":[1,2,3,4]},"/a/b/pi":{"op":"set","new":"some text"}},{"/a/b/c":{"old":[1,2,3]}}]]'
  "results": [19]

The condition is fulfilled in the first run and would be wrong in a second returning

  "results": [0]

0 as a result means that the precondition failed and no “real” log number was returned.

{ "/a/e": { "oldEmpty": false } }

means that the value of the key "a/e" must be set (to something, which can be null!). The condition

{ "/a/e": { "oldEmpty": true } }

means that the value of the key "a/e" must be unset. The condition

{ "/a/b/c": { "isArray": true } }

means that the value of the key "a/b/c" must be an array.

The update value U is an object, the attribute names are again key strings and the values are objects with optional attributes "new", "op" and "ttl". They have the following meaning:

"op" determines the operation, possible values are "set" (the default, if left out), "delete", "increment", "decrement", "push", "pop", "shift" or "prepend"

"new" is the new value, can be omitted for the "delete" operation and for "increment" and "decrement", where 1 is implied

"ttl", if present, the new value that is being set gets a time to live in seconds, given by a numeric value in this attribute. It is only guaranteed that the actual removal of the value is done according to the system clock, so up to clock skew between servers. The removal is done by an additional write transaction that is automatically generated between the regular writes.

Additional rule: If none of "new" and "op" is set or the value is not even an object, then this is to be interpreted as if it were

{ "op": "set", "new": <VALUE> }

which amounts to setting the value with no precondition.


{ "/a": { "op": "set", "new": 12 } }

sets the value of the key "/a" to 12. The same could have been achieved by

{ "/a": 12 }

or by

{ "/a": { "new": 12} }

The operation

{ "/a/b": { "new": { "c": [1,2,3,4] } } }

sets the key "/a/b" to {"c": [1,2,3,4]}. Note that in the above example this is the same as setting the value of "/a/b/c" to [1,2,3,4]. The difference is, that if a/b had other sub attributes, then this transaction would delete all these other attributes and make "/a/b" equal to {"c": [1,2,3,4]}, whereas setting "/a/b/c" to [1,2,3,4] would retain all attributes other than "c" in "/a/b".

Here are some more examples for full transactions (update/precondition pairs). The transaction

[ { "/a/b": { "new": { "c": [1,2,3,4] } } },
  { "/a/b": { "old": { "c": [1,2,3] } } } ]

sets the key "/a/b" to {"c":[1,2,3,4]} if and only if it was {"c":[1,2,3]} before. Note that this fails if "/a/b" had other attributes than "c". The transaction

[ { "/x": { "op": "delete" } },
  { "/x": { "old": false } } ]

clears the value of the key "/x" if this old value was false.

[ { "/y": { "new": 13 },
  { "/y": { "oldEmpty": true } } }

sets the value of "/y" to 13, but only, if it was unset before.

[ { "/z": { "op": "push", "new": "Max" } } ]

appends the string "Max" to the end of the list stored in the "z" attribute, or creates an array ["Max"] in "z" if it was unset or not an array.

[ { "/u": { "op": "pop" } } ]

removes the last entry of the array stored under "u", if the value of "u" is not set or not an array.

HTTP-headers for write operations

X-ArangoDB-Agency-Mode with possible values "waitForCommitted", "waitForSequenced" and "noWait".

In the first case the write operation only returns when the commit to the replicated log has actually happened. In the second case the write operation returns when the write transactions that fulfilled their preconditions have been sequenced and thus it is known, which of the write transactions in the given array had fulfilled preconditions. In both cases the body is a JSON array containing the indexes of the transactions in the list that had fulfilled preconditions.

In the last case, "noWait", the operation returns immediately, an empty body is returned. To get any information about the result of the operation one has to specify a tag (see below) and ask about the status later on.

X-ArangoDB-Agency-Tag with an arbitrary UTF-8 string value.


External services to the agency may announce themselves or others to be observers of arbitrary existing or future keys in the key-value-store. The agency must then inform the observing service of any changes to the subtree below the observed key. The notification is done by virtue of POST requests to a required valid URL.

In order to observe any future modification below say "/a/b/c", a observer is announced through posting the below document to the agency’s write REST handler:

[ { "/a/b/c": 
    { "op":  "observe", 
      "url": "http://<host>:<port>/<path>" 
  } ]

The observer is notified of any changes to that target until such time that it removes itself as an observer of that key through

[ { "/a/b/c": 
    { "op":  "unobserve", 
      "url": http://<host>:<port>/<path>" } } ]

Note that the last document removes all observations from entities below "/a/b/c". In particular, issuing

[ { "/": "unobserve", "url": "http://<host>:<port>/<path>"} ] 

will result in the removal of all observations for URL "http://<host>:<port>/<path>". The notifying POST requests are submitted immediately with any complete array of changes to the read db of the leader of create, modify and delete events accordingly; The body

{ "term": "5", 
  "index": 167,
  "/": { 
    "/a/b/c" : { "op": "modify", "old": 1, "new": 2 } },
    "/constants/euler" : {"op": "create", "new": 2.718281828459046 },
    "/constants/pi": { "op": "delete" } } }


At all times, i.e. regardless of the state of the agents and the current health of the RAFT consensus, one can invoke the configuration API:

curl http://$SERVER:$PORT/_api/agency/config

Here, and in all subsequent calls, we assume that $SERVER is replaced by the server name and $PORT is replaced by the port number. We use curl throughout for the examples, but any client library performing HTTP requests should do. The output might look somewhat like this

  "term": 1,
  "leaderId": "f5d11cde-8468-4fd2-8747-b4ef5c7dfa98",
  "lastCommitted": 1,
  "lastAcked": {
    "ac129027-b440-4c4f-84e9-75c042942171": 0.21,
    "c54dbb8a-723d-4c82-98de-8c841a14a112": 0.21,
    "f5d11cde-8468-4fd2-8747-b4ef5c7dfa98": 0
  "configuration": {
    "pool": {
      "ac129027-b440-4c4f-84e9-75c042942171": "tcp://localhost:8531",
      "c54dbb8a-723d-4c82-98de-8c841a14a112": "tcp://localhost:8530",
      "f5d11cde-8468-4fd2-8747-b4ef5c7dfa98": "tcp://localhost:8529"
    "active": [
    "id": "f5d11cde-8468-4fd2-8747-b4ef5c7dfa98",
    "agency size": 3,
    "pool size": 3,
    "endpoint": "tcp://localhost:8529",
    "min ping": 0.5,
    "max ping": 2.5,
    "supervision": false,
    "supervision frequency": 5,
    "compaction step size": 1000,
    "supervision grace period": 120

This is the actual output of a healthy agency. The configuration of the agency is found in the configuration section as you might have guessed. It is populated by static information on the startup parameters like agency size, the once generated unique id etc. It holds information on the invariants of the RAFT algorithm and data compaction.

The remaining data reflect the variant entities in RAFT, as term and leaderId, also some debug information on how long the last leadership vote was received from any particular agency member. Low term numbers on a healthy network are an indication of good operation environment, while often increasing term numbers indicate, that the network environment and stability suggest to raise the RAFT parameters min ping and ‘max ping’ accordingly.