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Using Joins in AQL


I want to join documents from collections in an AQL query.

  • One-to-Many: I have a collection users and a collection cities. A user lives in a city and I need the city information during the query.

  • Many-To-Many: I have a collection authors and books. An author can write many books and a book can have many authors. I want to return a list of books with their authors. Therefore I need to join the authors and books.


Unlike many NoSQL databases, ArangoDB does support joins in AQL queries. This is similar to the way traditional relational databases handle this. However, because documents allow for more flexibility, joins are also more flexible. The following sections provide solutions for common questions.


You have a collection called users. Users live in city and a city is identified by its primary key. In principle you can embedded the city document into the users document and be happy with it.

  "_id" : "users/2151975421", 
  "_key" : "2151975421", 
  "_rev" : "2151975421", 
  "name" : { 
    "first" : "John", 
    "last" : "Doe" 
  "city" : { 
    "name" : "Metropolis" 

This works well for many use cases. Now assume, that you have additional information about the city, like the number of people living in it. It would be impractical to change each and every user document if this numbers changes. Therefore it is good idea to hold the city information in a separate collection.

arangosh> db.cities.document("cities/2241300989");
  "population" : 1000, 
  "name" : "Metropolis", 
  "_id" : "cities/2241300989", 
  "_rev" : "2241300989", 
  "_key" : "2241300989" 

Now you instead of embedding the city directly in the user document, you can use the key of the city.

arangosh> db.users.document("users/2290649597");
  "name" : { 
    "first" : "John", 
    "last" : "Doe" 
  "city" : "cities/2241300989", 
  "_id" : "users/2290649597", 
  "_rev" : "2290649597", 
  "_key" : "2290649597" 

We can now join these two collections very easily.

arangosh> db._query(
........>"FOR u IN users " + 
........>"  FOR c IN cities " + 
........>"    FILTER == c._id RETURN { user: u, city: c }"
    "user" : { 
      "name" : { 
        "first" : "John", 
        "last" : "Doe" 
      "city" : "cities/2241300989", 
      "_id" : "users/2290649597", 
      "_rev" : "2290649597", 
      "_key" : "2290649597" 
    "city" : { 
      "population" : 1000, 
      "name" : "Metropolis", 
      "_id" : "cities/2241300989", 
      "_rev" : "2241300989", 
      "_key" : "2241300989" 

Unlike SQL there is no special JOIN keyword. The optimizer ensures that the primary index is used in the above query.

However, very often it is much more convenient for the client of the query if a single document would be returned, where the city information is embedded in the user document - as in the simple example above. With AQL there you do not need to forgo this simplification.

arangosh> db._query(
........>"FOR u IN users " + 
........>"  FOR c IN cities " + 
........>"    FILTER == c._id RETURN merge(u, {city: c})"
    "_id" : "users/2290649597", 
    "_key" : "2290649597", 
    "_rev" : "2290649597", 
    "name" : { 
      "first" : "John", 
      "last" : "Doe" 
    "city" : { 
      "_id" : "cities/2241300989", 
      "_key" : "2241300989", 
      "_rev" : "2241300989", 
      "population" : 1000, 
      "name" : "Metropolis" 

So you can have both: the convenient representation of the result for your client and the flexibility of joins for your data model.


In the relational world you need a third table to model the many-to-many relation. In ArangoDB you have a choice depending on the information you are going to store and the type of questions you are going to ask.

Assume that authors are stored in one collection and books in a second. If all you need is “which are the authors of a book” then you can easily model this as a list attribute in users.

If you want to store more information, for example which author wrote which page in a conference proceeding, or if you also want to know “which books were written by which author”, you can use edge collections. This is very similar to the “join table” from the relational world.

Embedded Lists

If you only want to store the authors of a book, you can embed them as list in the book document. There is no need for a separate collection.

arangosh> db.authors.toArray()
    "_id" : "authors/2661190141", 
    "_key" : "2661190141", 
    "_rev" : "2661190141", 
    "name" : { 
      "first" : "Maxima", 
      "last" : "Musterfrau" 
    "_id" : "authors/2658437629", 
    "_key" : "2658437629", 
    "_rev" : "2658437629", 
    "name" : { 
      "first" : "John", 
      "last" : "Doe" 

You can query books

arangosh> db._query("FOR b IN books RETURN b").toArray();
    "_id" : "books/2681506301", 
    "_key" : "2681506301", 
    "_rev" : "2681506301", 
    "title" : "The beauty of JOINS", 
    "authors" : [ 

and join the authors in a very similar manner given in the one-to-many section.

arangosh> db._query(
........>"FOR b IN books " +
........>"  LET a = (FOR x IN b.authors " + 
........>"             FOR a IN authors FILTER x == a._id RETURN a) " +
........>"   RETURN { book: b, authors: a }"
    "book" : { 
      "title" : "The beauty of JOINS", 
      "authors" : [ 
      "_id" : "books/2681506301", 
      "_rev" : "2681506301", 
      "_key" : "2681506301" 
    "authors" : [ 
        "name" : { 
          "first" : "Maxima", 
          "last" : "Musterfrau" 
        "_id" : "authors/2661190141", 
        "_rev" : "2661190141", 
        "_key" : "2661190141" 
        "name" : { 
          "first" : "John", 
          "last" : "Doe" 
        "_id" : "authors/2658437629", 
        "_rev" : "2658437629", 
        "_key" : "2658437629" 

or embed the authors directly

arangosh> db._query(
........>"FOR b IN books LET a = (" + 
........>"     FOR x IN b.authors " + 
........>"        FOR a IN authors FILTER x == a._id RETURN a)" +
........>"  RETURN merge(b, { authors: a })"
    "_id" : "books/2681506301", 
    "_key" : "2681506301", 
    "_rev" : "2681506301", 
    "title" : "The beauty of JOINS", 
    "authors" : [ 
        "_id" : "authors/2661190141", 
        "_key" : "2661190141", 
        "_rev" : "2661190141", 
        "name" : { 
          "first" : "Maxima", 
          "last" : "Musterfrau" 
        "_id" : "authors/2658437629", 
        "_key" : "2658437629", 
        "_rev" : "2658437629", 
        "name" : { 
          "first" : "John", 
          "last" : "Doe" 

Using Edge Collections

If you also want to query which books are written by a given author, embedding authors in the book document is possible, but it is more efficient to use a edge collections for speed.

Or you are publishing a proceeding, then you want to store the pages the author has written as well. This information can be stored in the edge document.

First create the users

arangosh> db._create("authors");
[ArangoCollection 2926807549, "authors" (type document, status loaded)]

arangosh>{ name: { first: "John", last: "Doe" } })
  "error" : false, 
  "_id" : "authors/2935261693", 
  "_rev" : "2935261693", 
  "_key" : "2935261693" 

arangosh>{ name: { first: "Maxima", last: "Musterfrau" } })
  "error" : false, 
  "_id" : "authors/2938210813", 
  "_rev" : "2938210813", 
  "_key" : "2938210813" 

Now create the books without any author information.

arangosh> db._create("books");
[ArangoCollection 2928380413, "books" (type document, status loaded)]

arangosh>{ title: "The beauty of JOINS" });
  "error" : false, 
  "_id" : "books/2980088317", 
  "_rev" : "2980088317", 
  "_key" : "2980088317" 

An edge collection is now used to link authors and books.

arangosh> db._createEdgeCollection("written");
[ArangoCollection 2931132925, "written" (type edge, status loaded)]

........>{ pages: "1-10" })
  "error" : false, 
  "_id" : "written/3006237181", 
  "_rev" : "3006237181", 
  "_key" : "3006237181" 

........>{ pages: "11-20" })
  "error" : false, 
  "_id" : "written/3012856317", 
  "_rev" : "3012856317", 
  "_key" : "3012856317" 

In order to get all books with their authors you can use a graph traversal

arangosh> db._query(
...> "FOR b IN books " +
...> "LET authorsByBook = ( " +
...> "    FOR author, writtenBy IN INBOUND b written " +
...> "    RETURN { " +
...> "        vertex: author, " +
...> "        edge: writtenBy " +
...> "    } " +
...> ") " +
...> "RETURN { " +
...> "    book: b, " +
...> "    authors: authorsByBook " +
...> "} "
...> ).toArray();
    "book" : {
      "_key" : "2980088317",
      "_id" : "books/2980088317",
      "_rev" : "2980088317",
      "title" : "The beauty of JOINS"
    "authors" : [
        "vertex" : {
          "_key" : "2935261693",
          "_id" : "authors/2935261693",
          "_rev" : "2935261693",
          "name" : {
            "first" : "John",
            "last" : "Doe"
        "edge" : {
          "_key" : "2935261693",
          "_id" : "written/2935261693",
          "_from" : "authors/2935261693",
          "_to" : "books/2980088317",
          "_rev" : "3006237181",
          "pages" : "1-10"
        "vertex" : {
          "_key" : "2938210813",
          "_id" : "authors/2938210813",
          "_rev" : "2938210813",
          "name" : {
            "first" : "Maxima",
            "last" : "Musterfrau"
        "edge" : {
          "_key" : "6833274",
          "_id" : "written/6833274",
          "_from" : "authors/2938210813",
          "_to" : "books/2980088317",
          "_rev" : "3012856317",
          "pages" : "11-20"

Or if you want only the information stored in the vertices.

arangosh> db._query(
...> "FOR b IN books " +
...> "LET authorsByBook = ( " +
...> "    FOR author IN INBOUND b written " +
...> "    OPTIONS { " +
...> "        bfs: true, " +
...> "        uniqueVertices: 'global' " +
...> "    } " +
...> "    RETURN author " +
...> ") " +
...> "RETURN { " +
...> "    book: b, " +
...> "    authors: authorsByBook " +
...> "} "
...> ).toArray();
    "book" : {
      "_key" : "2980088317",
      "_id" : "books/2980088317",
      "_rev" : "2980088317",
      "title" : "The beauty of JOINS"
    "authors" : [
        "_key" : "2938210813",
        "_id" : "authors/2938210813",
        "_rev" : "2938210813",
        "name" : {
          "first" : "Maxima",
          "last" : "Musterfrau"
        "_key" : "2935261693",
        "_id" : "authors/2935261693",
        "_rev" : "2935261693",
        "name" : {
          "first" : "John",
          "last" : "Doe"

Or again embed the authors directly into the book document.

arangosh> db._query(
...> "FOR b IN books " +
...> "LET authors = ( " +
...> "    FOR author IN INBOUND b written " +
...> "    OPTIONS { " +
...> "        bfs: true, " +
...> "        uniqueVertices: 'global' " +
...> "    } " +
...> "    RETURN author " +
...> ") " +
...> "RETURN MERGE(b, {authors: authors}) "
...> ).toArray();
    "_id" : "books/2980088317",
    "_key" : "2980088317",
    "_rev" : "2980088317",
    "title" : "The beauty of JOINS",
    "authors" : [
        "_key" : "2938210813",
        "_id" : "authors/2938210813",
        "_rev" : "2938210813",
        "name" : {
          "first" : "Maxima",
          "last" : "Musterfrau"
        "_key" : "2935261693",
        "_id" : "authors/2935261693",
        "_rev" : "2935261693",
        "name" : {
          "first" : "John",
          "last" : "Doe"

If you need the authors and their books, simply reverse the direction.

> db._query(
...> "FOR a IN authors " +
...> "LET booksByAuthor = ( " +
...> "    FOR b IN OUTBOUND a written " +
...> "    OPTIONS { " +
...> "        bfs: true, " +
...> "        uniqueVertices: 'global' " +
...> "    } " +
...> "    RETURN b" +
...> ") " +
...> "RETURN MERGE(a, {books: booksByAuthor}) "
...> ).toArray();
    "_id" : "authors/2935261693",
    "_key" : "2935261693",
    "_rev" : "2935261693",
    "name" : {
      "first" : "John",
      "last" : "Doe"
    "books" : [
        "_key" : "2980088317",
        "_id" : "books/2980088317",
        "_rev" : "2980088317",
        "title" : "The beauty of JOINS"
    "_id" : "authors/2938210813",
    "_key" : "2938210813",
    "_rev" : "2938210813",
    "name" : {
      "first" : "Maxima",
      "last" : "Musterfrau"
    "books" : [
        "_key" : "2980088317",
        "_id" : "books/2980088317",
        "_rev" : "2980088317",
        "title" : "The beauty of JOINS"

Authors: Frank Celler

Tags: #join #aql