ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.
This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs
Exporting Data for Offline Processing
In this recipe we will learn how to use the export API to extract data and process it with PHP. At the end of the recipe you can download the complete PHP script.
Note: The following recipe is written using an ArangoDB server with version 2.6 or higher. You can also use the devel
branch, since version 2.6 hasn’t been an official release yet.
Importing example data
First of all we need some data in an ArangoDB collection. For this example we will use a collection named users
which we will populate with 100.000 example documents. This way you can get the data into ArangoDB:
# download data file
# uncompress it
tar xvfz users-100000.json.tar.gz
# import into ArangoDB
arangoimport --file users-100000.json --collection users --create-collection true
Setting up ArangoDB-PHP
For this recipe we will use the ArangoDB PHP driver:
git clone -b devel ""
We will now write a simple PHP script that establishes a connection to ArangoDB on localhost:
namespace triagens\ArangoDb;
// use the driver's autoloader to load classes
require 'arangodb-php/autoload.php';
// set up connection options
$connectionOptions = array(
// endpoint to connect to
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_ENDPOINT => 'tcp://localhost:8529',
// can use Keep-Alive connection
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_CONNECTION => 'Keep-Alive',
// use basic authorization
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_TYPE => 'Basic',
// user for basic authorization
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_USER => 'root',
// password for basic authorization
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_PASSWD => '',
// timeout in seconds
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_TIMEOUT => 30,
// database name
ConnectionOptions::OPTION_DATABASE => '_system'
try {
// establish connection
$connection = new Connection($connectionOptions);
echo 'Connected!' . PHP_EOL;
// TODO: now do something useful with the connection!
} catch (ConnectException $e) {
print $e . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ServerException $e) {
print $e . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ClientException $e) {
print $e . PHP_EOL;
After running the script you should see Connected!
in the bash if successful.
Extracting the data
Now we can run an export of the data in the collection users
. Place the following code into the TODO
part of the first code:
function export($collection, Connection $connection) {
$fp = fopen('output.json', 'w');
if (! $fp) {
throw new Exception('could not open output file!');
// settings to use for the export
$settings = array(
'batchSize' => 5000, // export in chunks of 5K documents
'_flat' => true // use simple PHP arrays
$export = new Export($connection, $collection, $settings);
// execute the export. this will return an export cursor
$cursor = $export->execute();
// statistics
$count = 0;
$batches = 0;
$bytes = 0;
// now we can fetch the documents from the collection in batches
while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
$output = '';
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
$output .= json_encode($doc) . PHP_EOL;
// write out chunk
fwrite($fp, $output);
// update statistics
$count += count($docs);
$bytes += strlen($output);
echo sprintf('written %d documents in %d batches with %d total bytes',
$bytes) . PHP_EOL;
// run the export
export('users', $connection);
The function extracts all documents from the collection and writes them into an output file output.json
. In addition it will print some statistics about the number of documents and the total data size:
written 100000 documents in 20 batches with 40890013 total bytes
Applying some transformations
We now will use PHP to transform data as we extract it:
function transformDate($value) {
return preg_replace('/^(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)$/', '\\2/\\3/\\1', $value);
function transform(array $document) {
static $genders = array('male' => 'm', 'female' => 'f');
$transformed = array(
'gender' => $genders[$document['gender']],
'dob' => transformDate($document['birthday']),
'memberSince' => transformDate($document['memberSince']),
'fullName' => $document['name']['first'] . ' ' . $document['name']['last'],
'email' => $document['contact']['email'][0]
return $transformed;
function export($collection, Connection $connection) {
$fp = fopen('output-transformed.json', 'w');
if (! $fp) {
throw new Exception('could not open output file!');
// settings to use for the export
$settings = array(
'batchSize' => 5000, // export in chunks of 5K documents
'_flat' => true // use simple PHP arrays
$export = new Export($connection, $collection, $settings);
// execute the export. this will return an export cursor
$cursor = $export->execute();
// now we can fetch the documents from the collection in batches
while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
$output = '';
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
$output .= json_encode(transform($doc)) . PHP_EOL;
// write out chunk
fwrite($fp, $output);
// run the export
export('users', $connection);
With this script the following changes will be made on the data:
- rewrite the contents of the
now becomesdob
- the date formations will be changed from YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY
- concatenate the contents of
will be transformed from an array to a flat string- every other attribute will be removed
Note: The output will be in a file named output-transformed.json
Filtering attributes
Exclude certain attributes
Instead of filtering out as done in the previous example we can easily configure the export to exclude these attributes server-side:
// settings to use for the export
$settings = array(
'batchSize' => 5000, // export in chunks of 5K documents
'_flat' => true, // use simple PHP arrays
'restrict' => array(
'type' => 'exclude',
'fields' => array('_id', '_rev', '_key', 'likes')
This script will exclude the attributes _id
, _rev
. _key
and likes
Include certain attributes
We can also include attributes with the following script:
function export($collection, Connection $connection) {
// settings to use for the export
$settings = array(
'batchSize' => 5000, // export in chunks of 5K documents
'_flat' => true, // use simple PHP arrays
'restrict' => array(
'type' => 'include',
'fields' => array('_key', 'name')
$export = new Export($connection, $collection, $settings);
// execute the export. this will return an export cursor
$cursor = $export->execute();
// now we can fetch the documents from the collection in batches
while ($docs = $cursor->getNextBatch()) {
$output = '';
foreach ($docs as $doc) {
$values = array(
$doc['name']['first'] . ' ' . $doc['name']['last']
$output .= '"' . implode('","', $values) . '"' . PHP_EOL;
// print out the data directly
print $output;
// run the export
export('users', $connection);
In this script only the _key
and name
attributes are extracted. In the prints the _key
pairs are in CSV format.
Note: The whole script can be downloaded.
Using the API without PHP
The export API REST interface can be used with any client that can speak HTTP like curl. With the following command you can fetch the documents from the users
--data '{"batchSize":5000}'
The HTTP response will contatin a result
attribute that contains the actual documents. The attribute hasMore
will indicate if there are more documents for the client to fetch.
The HTTP will also contain an attribute id
if set to true.
With the id
you can send follow-up requests like this:
Authors: Thomas Schmidts and Jan Steemann
Tags: #howto #php