Enable or disable the supervision maintenance mode

Enable or disable the cluster supervision (Agency) maintenance mode

PUT /_admin/cluster/maintenance

This API allows to temporarily enable the supervision maintenance mode. Please be aware that no automatic failovers of any kind will take place while the maintenance mode is enabled. The cluster supervision reactivates itself automatically at some point after disabling it.

To enable the maintenance mode the request body must contain the string "on" (Please note it must be lowercase as well as include the quotes). This will enable the maintenance mode for 60 minutes, i.e. the supervision maintenance will reactivate itself after 60 minutes.

Since ArangoDB 3.8.3 it is possible to enable the maintenance mode for a different duration than 60 minutes, it is possible to send the desired duration value (in seconds) as a string in the request body. For example, sending "7200" (including the quotes) will enable the maintenance mode for 7200 seconds, i.e. 2 hours.

To disable the maintenance mode the request body must contain the string "off" (Please note it must be lowercase as well as include the quotes).


HTTP 200:

HTTP 400:

HTTP 501:

HTTP 504: