API Changes in ArangoDB 3.10

This document summarizes the HTTP API changes and other API changes in ArangoDB 3.10. The target audience for this document are developers who maintain drivers and integrations for ArangoDB 3.10.


Privilege changes

Endpoint return value changes

Since ArangoDB 3.8, there have been two APIs for retrieving the metrics in two different formats: /_admin/metrics and /_admin/metrics/v2. The metrics API v1 (/_admin/metrics) was deprecated in 3.8 and the usage of /_admin/metrics/v2 was encouraged.
In ArangoDB 3.10, /_admin/metrics and /_admin/metrics/v2 now behave identically and return the same output in a fully Prometheus-compatible format. The old metrics format is not available anymore.

For the metrics APIs at /_admin/metrics and /_admin/metrics/v2, unnecessary spaces have been removed between the “}” delimiting the labels and the value of the metric.

Endpoints added

Added the GET /_api/query/rules endpoint that returns the available optimizer rules for AQL queries. It returns an array of objects that contain the name of each available rule and its respective flags.

The JavaScript API was not extended, but you can make a request using a low-level method in arangosh:


Endpoints augmented

APIs that return data from ArangoDB’s write-ahead log (WAL) may now return collection truncate markers in the cluster, too. Previously such truncate markers were only issued in the single server and active failover modes, but not in a cluster. Client applications that tail ArangoDB’s WAL are thus supposed to handle WAL markers of type 2004.

The following HTTP APIs are affected:

  • /_api/wal/tail
  • /_api/replication/logger-follow

Cursor API

The cursor API can now return additional statistics values in its stats subattribute:

  • cursorsCreated: the total number of cursor objects created during query execution. Cursor objects are created for index lookups.
  • cursorsRearmed: the total number of times an existing cursor object was repurposed. Repurposing an existing cursor object is normally more efficient compared to destroying an existing cursor object and creating a new one from scratch.
  • cacheHits: the total number of index entries read from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent. This value will only be non-zero when reading from indexes that have an in-memory cache enabled, and when the query allows using the in-memory cache (i.e. using equality lookups on all index attributes).
  • cacheMisses: the total number of cache read attempts for index entries that could not be served from in-memory caches for indexes of type edge or persistent. This value will only be non-zero when reading from indexes that have an in-memory cache enabled, the query allows using the in-memory cache (i.e. using equality lookups on all index attributes) and the looked up values are not present in the cache.

These attributes are optional and only useful for detailed performance analyses.

Index API

  • The index creation API at POST /_api/index now accepts an optional storedValues attribute to include additional attributes in a persistent index. These additional attributes cannot be used for index lookups or sorts, but they can be used for projections.

    If set, storedValues must be an array of index attribute paths. There must be no overlap of attribute paths between fields and storedValues. The maximum number of values is 32.

    All index APIs that return additional data about indexes (e.g. GET /_api/index) will now also return the storedValues attribute for indexes that have their storedValues attribute set.

    The extra index information is also returned by inventory-like APIs that return the full set of collections with their indexes.

  • The index creation API at POST /_api/index now accepts an optional cacheEnabled attribute to enable an in-memory cache for index values for persistent indexes.

    If cacheEnabled is set to true, the index is created with the cache. Otherwise the index is created without it. Caching is turned off by default.

    APIs that return information about all indexes such as GET /_api/index or GET /_api/index/<index-id> can now also return the cacheEnabled attribute.

You cannot create multiple persistent indexes with the same fields attributes and uniqueness option but different storedValues or cacheEnabled attributes. The values of storedValues and cacheEnabled are not considered in index creation calls when checking if a persistent index is already present or a new one needs to be created.

Endpoints moved

Endpoints deprecated

Endpoints removed

JavaScript API