ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs

DocumentCollection API

The DocumentCollection API extends the Collection API with the following methods.


async documentCollection.document(documentHandle, [opts]): Document

Retrieves the document with the given documentHandle from the collection.


  • documentHandle: string

    The handle of the document to retrieve. This can be either the _id or the _key of a document in the collection, or a document (i.e. an object with an _id or _key property).

  • opts: Object (optional)

    If opts is set, it must be an object with any of the following properties:

    • graceful: boolean (Default: false)

      If set to true, the method will return null instead of throwing an error if the document does not exist.

    • allowDirtyRead: boolean (Default: false)

      This option is only available when targeting ArangoDB 3.4 or later, see Compatibility.

      If set to true, the request will explicitly permit ArangoDB to return a potentially dirty or stale result and arangojs will load balance the request without distinguishing between leaders and followers.

If a boolean is passed instead of an options object, it will be interpreted as the graceful option.


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("my-docs");

try {
  const doc = await collection.document("some-key");
  // the document exists
  assert.equal(doc._key, "some-key");
  assert.equal(doc._id, "my-docs/some-key");
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong or
  // the document does not exist

// -- or --

try {
  const doc = await collection.document("my-docs/some-key");
  // the document exists
  assert.equal(doc._key, "some-key");
  assert.equal(doc._id, "my-docs/some-key");
} catch (err) {
  // something went wrong or
  // the document does not exist

// -- or --

const doc = await collection.document("some-key", true);
if (doc === null) {
  // the document does not exist


async documentCollection.documentExists(documentHandle): boolean

Checks whether the document with the given documentHandle exists.


  • documentHandle: string

    The handle of the document to retrieve. This can be either the _id or the _key of a document in the collection, or a document (i.e. an object with an _id or _key property).


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("my-docs");

const exists = await collection.documentExists("some-key");
if (exists === false) {
  // the document does not exist

async, [opts]): Object

Creates a new document with the given data and returns an object containing the document’s metadata (_id, _key and _rev attributes).

Multiple documents can be created in a single call by passing an array of objects as argument for data. The result will be an array too, of which some elements can be error objects if the documents couldn’t be saved.


  • data: Object | Object[]

    The data of the new document, may include a _key.

  • opts: Object (optional)

    If opts is set, it must be an object with any of the following properties:

    • waitForSync: boolean (Default: false)

      Wait until document has been synced to disk.

    • returnNew: boolean (Default: false)

      If set to true, return additionally the complete new document(s) under the attribute new in the result.

    • returnOld: boolean (Default: false)

      If set to true, return additionally the complete old document(s) under the attribute old in the result.

    • silent: boolean (Default: false)

      If set to true, an empty object will be returned as response. No meta-data will be returned for the created document. This option can be used to save some network traffic.

    • overwrite: boolean (Default: false)

      This option is only available when targeting ArangoDB v3.4.0 and later.

      If set to true, the insert becomes a replace-insert. If a document with the same _key already exists the new document is not rejected with unique constraint violated but will replace the old document.

If a boolean is passed instead of an options object, it will be interpreted as the returnNew option.

For more information on the opts object, see the HTTP API documentation for working with documents.


const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("my-docs");
const data = { some: "data" };
const info = await;
assert.equal(info._id, "my-docs/" + info._key);
const doc2 = await collection.document(info);
assert.equal(doc2._id, info._id);
assert.equal(doc2._rev, info._rev);
assert.equal(doc2.some, data.some);

// -- or --

const db = new Database();
const collection = db.collection("my-docs");
const data = { some: "data" };
const opts = { returnNew: true };
const doc = await, opts);
assert.equal(doc1._id, "my-docs/" + doc1._key);
assert.equal(, data.some);