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Managing AQL user functions

These functions implement the HTTP API for managing AQL user functions.


async database.listFunctions(): Array<Object>

Fetches a list of all AQL user functions registered with the database.


const db = new Database();
const functions = db.listFunctions();
// functions is a list of function descriptions


async database.createFunction(name, code): Object

Creates an AQL user function with the given name and code if it does not already exist or replaces it if a function with the same name already existed.


  • name: string

    A valid AQL function name, e.g.: "myfuncs::accounting::calculate_vat".

  • code: string

    A string evaluating to a JavaScript function (not a JavaScript function object).


const db = new Database();
await db.createFunction(
  String(function (price) {
    return price * 0.19;
// Use the new function in an AQL query with template handler:
const cursor = await db.query(aql`
  FOR product IN products
    {vat: ACME::ACCOUNTING::CALCULATE_VAT(product.price)},
// cursor is a cursor for the query result


async database.dropFunction(name, [group]): Object

Deletes the AQL user function with the given name from the database.


  • name: string

    The name of the user function to drop.

  • group: boolean (Default: false)

    If set to true, all functions with a name starting with name will be deleted; otherwise only the function with the exact name will be deleted.


const db = new Database();
await db.dropFunction('ACME::ACCOUNTING::CALCULATE_VAT');
// the function no longer exists