ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs


Spring Data ArangoDB supports three kinds of queries:

Return types

The method return type for single results can be a primitive type, a domain class, Map<String, Object>, BaseDocument, BaseEdgeDocument, Optional<Type>, GeoResult<Type>.

The method return type for multiple results can additionally be ArangoCursor<Type>, Iterable<Type>, Collection<Type>, List<Type>, Set<Type>, Page<Type>, Slice<Type>, GeoPage<Type>, GeoResults<Type> where Type can be everything a single result can be.

AQL query options

You can set additional options for the query and the created cursor over the class AqlQueryOptions which you can simply define as a method parameter without a specific name. AqlQuery options can also be defined with the @QueryOptions annotation, as shown below. Aql query options from an annotation and those from an argument are merged if both exist, with those in the argument taking precedence.

The AqlQueryOptions allows you to set the cursor time-to-live, batch-size, caching flag and several other settings. This special parameter works with both query methods and derived queries. Keep in mind that some options, like time-to-live, are only effective if the method return type isArangoCursor<T> or Iterable<T>.


public interface MyRepository extends Repository<Customer, String> {

  @Query("FOR c IN #collection FILTER == @0 RETURN c")
  Iterable<Customer> query(String name, AqlQueryOptions options);

  Iterable<Customer> findByName(String name, AqlQueryOptions options);

  @QueryOptions(maxPlans = 1000, ttl = 128)
  ArangoCursor<Customer> findByAddressZipCode(ZipCode zipCode);

  @Query("FOR c IN #collection FILTER c[@field] == @value RETURN c")
  @QueryOptions(cache = true, ttl = 128)
  ArangoCursor<Customer> query(Map<String, Object> bindVars, AqlQueryOptions options);


Paging and sorting

Spring Data ArangoDB supports Spring Data’s Pageable and Sort parameters for repository query methods. If these parameters are used together with a native query, either through @Query annotation or named queries, a placeholder must be specified:

  • #pageable for Pageable parameter
  • #sort for Sort parameter

Sort properties or paths are attributes separated by dots (e.g. customer.age). Some rules apply for them:

  • they must not begin or end with a dot (e.g. .customer.age)
  • dots in attributes are supported, but the whole attribute must be enclosed by backticks (e.g. customer.`attr.with.dots`
  • backticks in attributes are supported, but they must be escaped with a backslash (e.g. customer.attr_with\`)
  • any backslashes (that do not escape a backtick) are escaped (e.g. customer\ => customer\\)


just.`some`.`attributes.that`.`form\``.a path\`.\  is converted to
`just`.`some`.`attributes.that`.`form\``.`a path\``.`\\`

Native queries example

public interface CustomerRepository extends ArangoRepository<Customer> {

  @Query("FOR c IN #collection FILTER == @1 #pageable RETURN c")
  Page<Customer> findByNameNative(Pageable pageable, String name);

  @Query("FOR c IN #collection FILTER == @1 #sort RETURN c")
  List<Customer> findByNameNative(Sort sort, String name);

// don't forget to specify the var name of the document
final Pageable page = PageRequest.of(1, 10,"c.age"));
repository.findByNameNative(page, "Matt");

final Sort sort =, "c.age");
repository.findByNameNative(sort, "Tony");

Derived queries example

public interface CustomerRepository extends ArangoRepository<Customer> {

  Page<Customer> findByName(Pageable pageable, String name);

  List<Customer> findByName(Sort sort, String name);

// no var name is necessary for derived queries
final Pageable page = PageRequest.of(1, 10,"age"));
repository.findByName(page, "Matt");

final Sort sort =, "age");
repository.findByName(sort, "Tony");