ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs


This function implements the HTTP API for transactions.


async database.transaction(collections, action, [params, [options]]): Object

Performs a server-side transaction and returns its return value.


  • collections: Object

    An object with the following properties:

    • read: Array<string> (optional)

      An array of names (or a single name) of collections that will be read from during the transaction.

    • write: Array<string> (optional)

      An array of names (or a single name) of collections that will be written to or read from during the transaction.

  • action: string

    A string evaluating to a JavaScript function to be executed on the server.

    This function will be executed on the server inside ArangoDB and can not use the arangojs driver or any variables other than those passed as params. For accessing the database from within ArangoDB, see the documentation for the @arangodb module in ArangoDB.

  • params: Object (optional)

    Available as variable params when the action function is being executed on server. Check the example below.

  • options: Object (optional)

    An object with any of the following properties:

    • lockTimeout: number (optional)

      Determines how long the database will wait while attempting to gain locks on collections used by the transaction before timing out.

    • waitForSync: boolean (optional)

      Determines whether to force the transaction to write all data to disk before returning.

    • maxTransactionSize: number (optional)

      Determines the transaction size limit in bytes. Honored by the RocksDB storage engine only.

    • intermediateCommitCount: number (optional)

      Determines the maximum number of operations after which an intermediate commit is performed automatically. Honored by the RocksDB storage engine only.

    • intermediateCommitSize: number (optional)

      Determine the maximum total size of operations after which an intermediate commit is performed automatically. Honored by the RocksDB storage engine only.

If collections is an array or string, it will be treated as collections.write.

Please note that while action should be a string evaluating to a well-formed JavaScript function, it’s not possible to pass in a JavaScript function directly because the function needs to be evaluated on the server and will be transmitted in plain text.

For more information on transactions, see the HTTP API documentation for transactions.


const db = new Database();
const action = String(function(params) {
  // This code will be executed inside ArangoDB!
  const db = require("@arangodb").db;
  return db
    FOR user IN _users
    FILTER user.age > ${params.age}
    RETURN u.user

const result = await db.transaction({ read: "_users" }, action, { age: 12 });
// result contains the return value of the action