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OAuth 1.0a

const createOAuth1Client = require('@arangodb/foxx/oauth1');

The OAuth1 module provides abstractions over OAuth 1.0a providers like Twitter, XING and Tumblr.


const router = createRouter();
const oauth1 = createOAuth1Client({
  // We'll use Twitter for this example
  requestTokenEndpoint: '',
  authEndpoint: '',
  accessTokenEndpoint: '',
  activeUserEndpoint: '',
  clientId: 'keyboardcat',
  clientSecret: 'keyboardcat'

module.context.use('/oauth1', router);

// See the user management example for setting up the
// sessions and users objects used in this example
router.use(sessions);'/auth', function (req, res) {
  const url = req.reverse('oauth1_callback');
  const oauth_callback = req.makeAbsolute(url);
  const requestToken = oauth1.fetchRequestToken(oauth_callback);
  if (requestToken.oauth_callback_confirmed !== 'true') {
    res.throw(500, 'Could not fetch OAuth request token');
  // Set request token cookie for five minutes
  res.cookie('oauth1_request_token', requestToken.oauth_token, {ttl: 60 * 5});
  // Redirect to the provider's authorization URL
  res.redirect(303, oauth1.getAuthUrl(requestToken.oauth_token));

router.get('/auth', function (req, res) {
  // Make sure CSRF cookie matches the URL
  const expectedToken = req.cookie('oauth1_request_token');
  if (!expectedToken || req.queryParams.oauth_token !== expectedToken) {
    res.throw(400, 'CSRF mismatch.');
  const authData = oauth1.exchangeRequestToken(
  const twitterToken = authData.oauth_token;
  const twitterSecret = authData.oauth_token_secret;
  // Fetch the active user's profile info
  const profile = oauth1.fetchActiveUser(twitterToken, twitterSecret);
  const twitterId = profile.screen_name;
  // Try to find an existing user with the user ID
  // (this requires the users collection)
  let user = users.firstExample({twitterId});
  if (user) {
    // Update the twitterToken if it has changed
    if (
      user.twitterToken !== twitterToken ||
      user.twitterSecret !== twitterSecret
    ) {
      users.update(user, {twitterToken, twitterSecret});
  } else {
    // Create a new user document
    user = {
      username: `twitter:${twitterId}`,
    const meta =;
    Object.assign(user, meta);
  // Log the user in (this requires the session middleware)
  req.session.uid = user._key;
  req.session.twitterToken = authData.twitterToken;
  req.session.twitterSecret = authData.twitterSecret;;
  // Redirect to the default route
  res.redirect(303, req.makeAbsolute('/'));
}, 'oauth1_callback')
.queryParam('oauth_token', joi.string().optional())
.queryParam('oauth_verifier', joi.string().optional());

Creating an OAuth1.0a client

createOAuth1Client(options): OAuth1Client

Creates an OAuth1.0a client.


  • options: Object

    An object with the following properties:

    • requestTokenEndpoint: string

      The fully-qualified URL of the provider’s Temporary Credentials Request endpoint. This URL is used to fetch the unauthenticated temporary credentials that will be used to generate the authorization redirect for the user.

    • authEndpoint: string

      The fully-qualified URL of the provider’s Resource Owner Authorization endpoint. This is the URL the user will be redirected to in order to authorize the OAuth consumer (i.e. your service).

    • accessTokenEndpoint: string

      The fully-qualified URL of the provider’s Token Request endpoint. This URL is used to exchange the authenticated temporary credentials received from the authorization redirect for the actual token credentials that can be used to make requests to the API server.

    • activeUserEndpoint: string (optional)

      The fully-qualified URL of the provider’s endpoint for fetching details about the current user.

    • clientId: string

      The application’s Client ID (or Consumer Key) for the provider.

    • clientSecret: string

      The application’s Client Secret (or Consumer Secret) for the provider.

    • signatureMethod: string (Default: "HMAC-SHA1")

      The cryptographic method that will be used to sign OAuth 1.0a requests. Only "HMAC-SHA1-" and "PLAINTEXT" are supported at this time.

      Note that many providers may not implement "PLAINTEXT" as it exposes the Client Secret and oauth_token_secret instead of generating a signature.

Returns an OAuth 1.0a client for the given provider.

Setting up OAuth 1.0a for Twitter

If you want to use Twitter as the OAuth 1.0a provider, use the following options:

  • requestTokenEndpoint:
  • authEndpoint:
  • accessTokenEndpoint:
  • activeUserEndpoint:

You also need to obtain a client ID and client secret from Twitter:

  1. Create a regular account at Twitter or use an existing account you own.
  2. Visit the Twitter Application Management dashboard and sign in with your Twitter account.
  3. Click on Create New App and follow the instructions provided. The Callback URL should match your oauth_callback later. You may be prompted to add a mobile phone number to your account and verify it.
  4. Open the Keys and Access Tones tab, then note down the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
  5. Set the option clientId to the Consumer Key and the option clientSecret to the Consumer Secret.

Note that if you only need read-only access to public information, you can also use the clientId and clientSecret directly without OAuth 1.0a.

See Twitter REST API Reference Documentation.

Setting up OAuth 1.0a for XING

If you want to use XING as the OAuth 1.0a provider, use the following options:

  • requestTokenEndpoint:
  • authEndpoint:
  • accessTokenEndpoint:
  • activeUserEndpoint:

You also need to obtain a client ID and client secret from XING:

  1. Create a regular account at XING or use an existing account you own.
  2. Visit the XING Developer page and sign in with your XING account.
  3. Click on Create app and note down the Consumer key and Consumer secret.
  4. Set the option clientId to the Consumer key and the option clientSecret to the Consumer secret.

See XING Developer Documentation.

Setting up OAuth 1.0a for Tumblr

If you want to use Tumblr as the OAuth 1.0a provider, use the following options:

  • requestTokenEndpoint:
  • authEndpoint:
  • accessTokenEndpoint:
  • activeUserEndpoint:

You also need to obtain a client ID and client secret from Tumblr:

  1. Create a regular account at Tumblr or use an existing account you own.
  2. Visit the Tumblr Applications dashboard.
  3. Click on Register application, then follow the instructions provided. The Default callback URL should match your oauth_callback later.
  4. Note down the OAuth Consumer Key and Secret Key. The secret may be hidden by default.
  5. Set the option clientId to the OAuth Consumer Key and the option clientSecret to the Secret Key.

See Tumblr API Documentation.

Fetch an unauthenticated request token

oauth1.fetchRequestToken(oauth_callback, opts)

Fetches an oauth_token that can be used to create an authorization URL that redirects to the given oauth_callback on confirmation.

Performs a POST response to the requestTokenEndpoint.

Throws an exception if the remote server responds with an empty response body.


  • oauth_callback: string

    The fully-qualified URL of your application’s OAuth 1.0a callback.

  • opts: Object (optional)

    An object with additional query parameters to include in the request.

    See RFC 5849.

Returns the parsed response object.

Get the authorization URL

oauth1.getAuthUrl(oauth_token, opts): string

Generates the authorization URL for the authorization endpoint.


  • oauth_token: string

    The oauth_token previously returned by fetchRequestToken.

  • opts: (optional)

    An object with additional query parameters to add to the URL.

    See RFC 5849.

Returns a fully-qualified URL for the authorization endpoint of the provider by appending the oauth_token and any additional arguments from opts to the authEndpoint.


const requestToken = oauth1.fetchRequestToken(oauth_callback);
if (requestToken.oauth_callback_confirmed !== 'true') {
  throw new Error('Provider could not confirm OAuth 1.0 callback');
const authUrl = oauth1.getAuthUrl(requestToken.oauth_token);

Exchange an authenticated request token for an access token

oauth1.exchangeRequestToken(oauth_token, oauth_verifier, opts)

Takes a pair of authenticated temporary credentials passed to the callback URL by the provider and exchanges it for an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret than can be used to perform authenticated requests to the OAuth 1.0a provider.

Performs a POST response to the accessTokenEndpoint.

Throws an exception if the remote server responds with an empty response body.


  • oauth_token: string

    The oauth_token passed to the callback URL by the provider.

  • oauth_verifier: string

    The oauth_verifier passed to the callback URL by the provider.

  • opts: Object (optional)

    An object with additional query parameters to include in the request.

    See RFC 5849.

Returns the parsed response object.

Fetch the active user

oauth1.fetchActiveUser(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, opts): Object

Fetches details of the active user.

Performs a GET response to the activeUserEndpoint.

Throws an exception if the remote server responds with an empty response body.

Returns null if the activeUserEndpoint is not configured.


  • oauth_token: string

    An OAuth 1.0a access token as returned by exchangeRequestToken.

  • oauth_token_secret: string

    An OAuth 1.0a access token secret as returned by exchangeRequestToken.

  • opts: Object (optional)

    An object with additional query parameters to include in the request.

    See RFC 5849.

Returns the parsed response object.


const authData = oauth1.exchangeRequestToken(oauth_token, oauth_verifier);
const userData = oauth1.fetchActiveUser(authData.oauth_token, authData.oauth_token_secret);

Create an authenticated request object

oauth1.createSignedRequest(method, url, parameters, oauth_token, oauth_token_secret)

Creates a request object that can be used to perform a request to the OAuth 1.0a provider with the provided token credentials.


  • method: string

    HTTP method the request will use, e.g. "POST".

  • url: string

    The fully-qualified URL of the provider the request will be performed against.

    The URL may optionally contain any number of query parameters.

  • parameters: string | Object | null

    An additional object or query string containing query parameters or body parameters that will be part of the signed request.

  • oauth_token: string

    An OAuth 1.0a access token as returned by exchangeRequestToken.

  • oauth_token_secret: string

    An OAuth 1.0a access token secret as returned by exchangeRequestToken.

Returns an object with three properties:

  • url: The normalized URL without any query parameters.

  • qs: A normalized query string containing all parameters and query parameters.

  • headers: An object containing the following properties:

    • accept: The string "application/json".

    • authorization: An OAuth authorization header containing all OAuth parameters and the request signature.


Fetch a list of tweets mentioning @arangodb:

const request = require('@arangodb/request');
const req = oauth1.createSignedRequest(
  {q: '@arangodb'},
const res = request(req);

Signing a more complex request:

const url = '';
const params = {hello: 'world', longcat: 'is long'};
const req = oauth1.createSignedRequest(
  url, // URL includes a query parameter that will be signed
  params, // Request body needs to be signed too
const res =, {
  form: params,
  headers: {
    accept: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    // Authorization header includes the signature
    authorization: req.headers.authorization