ArangoDB v3.4 reached End of Life (EOL) and is no longer supported.

This documentation is outdated. Please see the most recent version here: Latest Docs

Features and Improvements

The following list shows in detail which features have been added or improved in ArangoDB 2.6. ArangoDB 2.6 also contains several bugfixes that are not listed here. For a list of bugfixes, please consult the CHANGELOG.

APIs added

Batch document removal and lookup commands

The following commands have been added for collection objects:

  • collection.lookupByKeys(keys)
  • collection.removeByKeys(keys)

These commands can be used to perform multi-document lookup and removal operations efficiently from the ArangoShell. The argument to these operations is an array of document keys.

These commands can also be used via the HTTP REST API. Their endpoints are:

  • PUT /_api/simple/lookup-by-keys
  • PUT /_api/simple/remove-by-keys

Collection export HTTP REST API

ArangoDB now provides a dedicated collection export API, which can take snapshots of entire collections more efficiently than the general-purpose cursor API. The export API is useful to transfer the contents of an entire collection to a client application. It provides optional filtering on specific attributes.

The export API is available at endpoint POST /_api/export?collection=.... The API has the same return value structure as the already established cursor API (POST /_api/cursor).

An introduction to the export API is given in this blog post: More efficient data exports

AQL improvements

EDGES AQL Function

The AQL function EDGES got a new fifth optional parameter, which must be an object if specified. Right now only one option is available for it:

  • includeVertices this is a boolean parameter that allows to modify the result of EDGES(). The default value for includeVertices is false, which does not have any effect. Setting it to true will modify the result, such that also the connected vertices are returned along with the edges:

    { vertex: <vertexDocument>, edge: <edgeDocument> } 

Subquery optimizations for AQL queries

This optimization avoids copying intermediate results into subqueries that are not required by the subquery.

A brief description can be found here: Subquery optimization

Return value optimization for AQL queries

This optimization avoids copying the final query result inside the query’s main ReturnNode.

A brief description can be found here: Return value optimization for AQL

Speed up AQL queries containing big IN lists for index lookups

IN lists used for index lookups had performance issues in previous versions of ArangoDB. These issues have been addressed in 2.6 so using bigger IN lists for filtering is much faster.

A brief description can be found here: In list improvements

Added alternative implementation for AQL COLLECT

The alternative method uses a hash table for grouping and does not require its input elements to be sorted. It will be taken into account by the optimizer for COLLECT statements that do not use an INTO clause.

In case a COLLECT statement can use the hash table variant, the optimizer will create an extra plan for it at the beginning of the planning phase. In this plan, no extra SORT node will be added in front of the COLLECT because the hash table variant of COLLECT does not require sorted input. Instead, a SORT node will be added after it to sort its output. This SORT node may be optimized away again in later stages. If the sort order of the result is irrelevant to the user, adding an extra SORT null after a hash COLLECT operation will allow the optimizer to remove the sorts altogether.

In addition to the hash table variant of COLLECT, the optimizer will modify the original plan to use the regular COLLECT implementation. As this implementation requires sorted input, the optimizer will insert a SORT node in front of the COLLECT. This SORT node may be optimized away in later stages.

The created plans will then be shipped through the regular optimization pipeline. In the end, the optimizer will pick the plan with the lowest estimated total cost as usual. The hash table variant does not require an up-front sort of the input, and will thus be preferred over the regular COLLECT if the optimizer estimates many input elements for the COLLECT node and cannot use an index to sort them.

The optimizer can be explicitly told to use the regular sorted variant of COLLECT by suffixing a COLLECT statement with OPTIONS { "method" : "sorted" }. This will override the optimizer guesswork and only produce the sorted variant of COLLECT.

A blog post on the new COLLECT implementation can be found here: Collecting with hash table

Simplified return value syntax for data-modification AQL queries

ArangoDB 2.4 since version allows to return results from data-modification AQL queries. The syntax for this was quite limited and verbose:

FOR i IN 1..10
  INSERT { value: i } IN test
  LET inserted = NEW
  RETURN inserted

The LET inserted = NEW RETURN inserted was required literally to return the inserted documents. No calculations could be made using the inserted documents.

This is now more flexible. After a data-modification clause (e.g. INSERT, UPDATE, REPLACE, REMOVE, UPSERT) there can follow any number of LET calculations. These calculations can refer to the pseudo-values OLD and NEW that are created by the data-modification statements.

This allows returning projections of inserted or updated documents, e.g.:

FOR i IN 1..10
  INSERT { value: i } IN test
  RETURN { _key: NEW._key, value: i }

Still not every construct is allowed after a data-modification clause. For example, no functions can be called that may access documents.

More information can be found here: Improvements for data modification queries

Added AQL UPSERT statement

This adds an UPSERT statement to AQL that is a combination of both INSERT and UPDATE / REPLACE. The UPSERT will search for a matching document using a user-provided example. If no document matches the example, the insert part of the UPSERT statement will be executed. If there is a match, the update / replace part will be carried out:

UPSERT { page: 'index.html' }               /* search example */
INSERT { page: 'index.html', pageViews: 1 } /* insert part */
UPDATE { pageViews: OLD.pageViews + 1 }     /* update part */
IN pageViews

UPSERT can be used with an UPDATE or REPLACE clause. The UPDATE clause will perform a partial update of the found document, whereas the REPLACE clause will replace the found document entirely. The UPDATE or REPLACE parts can refer to the pseudo-value OLD, which contains all attributes of the found document.

UPSERT statements can optionally return values. In the following query, the return attribute found will return the found document before the UPDATE was applied. If no document was found, found will contain a value of null. The updated result attribute will contain the inserted / updated document:

UPSERT { page: 'index.html' }               /* search example */
INSERT { page: 'index.html', pageViews: 1 } /* insert part */
UPDATE { pageViews: OLD.pageViews + 1 }     /* update part */
IN pageViews
RETURN { found: OLD, updated: NEW }

A more detailed description of UPSERT can be found here: Preview of the UPSERT command

Miscellaneous changes

When errors occur inside AQL user functions, the error message will now contain a stacktrace, indicating the line of code in which the error occurred. This should make debugging AQL user functions easier.

Web Admin Interface

ArangoDB’s built-in web interface now uses sessions. Session information is stored in cookies, so clients using the web interface must accept cookies in order to use it.

The new startup option --server.session-timeout can be used for adjusting the session lifetime.

The AQL editor in the web interface now provides an explain functionality, which can be used for inspecting and performance-tuning AQL queries. The query execution time is now also displayed in the AQL editor.

Foxx apps that require configuration or are missing dependencies are now indicated in the app overview and details.

Foxx improvements

Configuration and Dependencies

Foxx app manifests can now define configuration options, as well as dependencies on other Foxx apps.

An introduction to Foxx configurations can be found in the blog: Reusable Foxx apps with configuration

And the blog post on Foxx dependencies can be found here: Foxx dependencies for more composable Foxx apps

For more information on manifests see the Manifest chapter. More information on using dependencies can be found in the chapter on Foxx dependencies.

Mocha Tests

You can now write tests for your Foxx apps using the Mocha testing framework: Testing Foxx Mocha

A description for writing tests for your Foxx apps can be found in the Foxx testing chapter.

API Documentation

The API documentation has been updated to Swagger 2. You can now also mount API documentation in your own Foxx apps. For more information see the Foxx context in the Foxx documentation.

Also see the blog post introducing this feature: Document your Foxx apps with Swagger 2

Custom Scripts and Foxx Queue

In addition to the existing setup and teardown scripts you can now define custom scripts in your Foxx manifest and invoke these using the web admin interface or the Foxx manager CLI. These scripts can now also take positional arguments and export return values.

Job types for the Foxx Queue can now be defined as a script name and app mount path allowing the use of Foxx scripts as job types. The pre-2.6 job types are known to cause issues when restarting the server and are error-prone; we strongly recommended converting any existing job types to the new format.

Client tools

The default configuration value for the option --server.request-timeout was increased from 300 to 1200 seconds for all client tools (arangosh, arangoimp, arangodump, arangorestore).

The default configuration value for the option --server.connect-timeout was increased from 3 to 5 seconds for client tools (arangosh, arangoimp, arangodump, arangorestore).


The option --create-database was added for arangorestore.

Setting this option to true will now create the target database if it does not exist. When creating the target database, the username and passwords passed to arangorestore will be used to create an initial user for the new database.

The default value for this option is false.


Arangoimp can now optionally update or replace existing documents, provided the import data contains documents with _key attributes.

Previously, the import could be used for inserting new documents only, and re-inserting a document with an existing key would have failed with a unique key constraint violated error.

The behavior of arangoimp (insert, update, replace on duplicate key) can now be controlled with the option --on-duplicate. The option can have one of the following values:

  • error: when a unique key constraint error occurs, do not import or update the document but report an error. This is the default.

  • update: when a unique key constraint error occurs, try to (partially) update the existing document with the data specified in the import. This may still fail if the document would violate secondary unique indexes. Only the attributes present in the import data will be updated and other attributes already present will be preserved. The number of updated documents will be reported in the updated attribute of the HTTP API result.

  • replace: when a unique key constraint error occurs, try to fully replace the existing document with the data specified in the import. This may still fail if the document would violate secondary unique indexes. The number of replaced documents will be reported in the updated attribute of the HTTP API result.

  • ignore: when a unique key constraint error occurs, ignore this error. There will be no insert, update or replace for the particular document. Ignored documents will be reported separately in the ignored attribute of the HTTP API result.

The default value is error.

A few examples for using arangoimp with the --on-duplicate option can be found here: Updating documents with arangoimp

Miscellaneous changes

  • Some Linux-based ArangoDB packages are now using tcmalloc for memory allocator.

  • Upgraded ICU library to version 54. This increases performance in many places.

  • Allow to split an edge index into buckets which are resized individually. The default value is 1, resembling the pre-2.6 behavior. Using multiple buckets will lead to the index entries being distributed to the individual buckets, with each bucket being responsible only for a fraction of the total index entries. Using multiple buckets may lead to more frequent but much faster index bucket resizes, and is recommended for bigger edge collections.

  • Default configuration value for option --server.backlog-size was changed from 10 to 64.

  • Default configuration value for option --database.ignore-datafile-errors was changed from true to false

  • Document keys can now contain @ and . characters

  • Fulltext index can now index text values contained in direct sub-objects of the indexed attribute.

    Previous versions of ArangoDB only indexed the attribute value if it was a string. Sub-attributes of the index attribute were ignored when fulltext indexing.

    Now, if the index attribute value is an object, the object’s values will each be included in the fulltext index if they are strings. If the index attribute value is an array, the array’s values will each be included in the fulltext index if they are strings.

    For example, with a fulltext index present on the translations attribute, the following text values will now be indexed:

    var c = db._create("example");
    c.insert({ translations: { en: "fox", de: "Fuchs", fr: "renard", ru: "лиса" } });
    c.insert({ translations: "Fox is the English translation of the German word Fuchs" });
    c.insert({ translations: [ "ArangoDB", "document", "database", "Foxx" ] });
    c.fulltext("translations", "лиса").toArray();       // returns only first document
    c.fulltext("translations", "Fox").toArray();        // returns first and second documents
    c.fulltext("translations", "prefix:Fox").toArray(); // returns all three documents
  • Added configuration option --server.foxx-queues-poll-interval

    This startup option controls the frequency with which the Foxx queues manager is checking the queue (or queues) for jobs to be executed.

    The default value is 1 second. Lowering this value will result in the queue manager waking up and checking the queues more frequently, which may increase CPU usage of the server. When not using Foxx queues, this value can be raised to save some CPU time.

  • Added configuration option --server.foxx-queues

    This startup option controls whether the Foxx queue manager will check queue and job entries in the _system database only. Restricting the Foxx queue manager to the _system database will lead to the queue manager having to check only the queues collection of a single database, whereas making it check the queues of all databases might result in more work to be done and more CPU time to be used by the queue manager.