Upgrading on Linux

By installing the new ArangoDB package the standalone instance is automatically upgraded. In addition to the ArangoDB daemon (arangod), also the ArangoDB Starter binary is updated. As a result, the procedure described in this Section is a first step to upgrade more complex deployments such as Cluster or Active Failover.

Upgrading via APT (Ubuntu)

First add the repository key to apt:

curl -OL https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb33/xUbuntu_17.04/Release.key
sudo apt-key add - < Release.key

Use apt-get to install arangodb:

echo 'deb https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb33/xUbuntu_17.04/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arangodb.list
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install arangodb3=3.3.10

Note: The latest available version can be found in the download section.

Upgrading via DPKG (Ubuntu)

Download the corresponding file from the download section.

Install a specific package using dpkg:

$ dpkg -i arangodb3-3.3.10-1_amd64.deb

Upgrading via YUM (CentOS)

Use yum to install ArangoDB:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
curl -OL https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb33/CentOS_7/arangodb.repo
yum -y install arangodb3-3.3.10

Note: The latest available version can be found in the download section.

Upgrading via RPM (CentOS)

Download the corresponding file from the download section.

Install a specific package using rpm:

$ rpm -i arangodb3-3.3.10-1.x86_64.rpm